Friday, March 6 | Amelia Island, Florida

See rarities and race cars, ’80s icons and unusual museum pieces. Concours d’Lemons, too! And all with zero spectator admission.

WHAT TO EXPECT? Before the world-famous Amelia Island Concours, stop by the Classic Motorsports Amelia Island Kickoff presented by Sunoco to experience 150 must-see collector cars.

HOW FAMOUS ARE THESE CELEBRITIES? Look for Wayne Carini, Tom Cotter, Bobby Rahal and more.

WHERE TO GO? We’ll once again fill the green space of Main Beach Park, just a few miles north of the Ritz-Carlton, in Amelia Island, Florida.


  • Friday, March 6, 2026

  • 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

  • Rain or shine


  • Main Beach Park, 103 N. Fletcher Avenue, Amelia Island, Florida 32034


  • Free for spectators

  • Show vehicle registration fee: $45


  • Limited to 150 pre-registered cars. Must pre-register.

Thanks to support from SunocoNational Parts Depot, The Paddock, MichelinMoss Motors, Lear Chemicals, Hagerty Drivers Club, Griot’s Garage and the city of Fernandina Beach for making this event possible.

The Classic Motorsports Amelia Island Kickoff

Presented by:



british car block

american car block

Italian Car Block
& German Car Block

In association with:


Amelia Island Kickoff Schedule

Friday, March 6:

9:00 am - 1:00 pm: Will-call open

12:00 pm: Show gates open for pre-registered vehicles. Vehicles that haven’t pre-registered will not be admitted to the show.

1:00 pm: Show gates close to all car traffic. If you are registered for the show and aren’t in line to enter before this time, you will not be admitted to the show. Spectators on foot are welcome at this time.

1:30 pm: Judging begins.

4:00 pm: Awards ceremony. Winners must be present to receive prizes.

5:00 pm: Show ends, gates reopen.

Vehicles may not enter the show before gates open, and must exit show immediately after its conclusion. Schedule subject to change without notice.


Amelia Island Kickoff Judges

The Amelia Island Kickoff isn’t just a showcase of amazing cars; it’s a showcase of amazing people. Here were our judges for 2025:

Tom Plucinsky 

Alexander Soultanis

Jay Hanson

Eric Petersen

Alex Schmuck

Tim McNair

Scott Hughes

Jeffrey Schatz

Rob Sass

Ben Horton

Kerri King

Tom Yang

Brad Phillips

John Saccameno

Dale Will

Lance Miller

Ed Narewski

Morgan Duffy

Tom Cotter

Jack Baldwin

Trent Abbott

Steve Chivington

Clint Sly

Kip Wasenko

Lowell Paddock

Mark Becker

Chris Brewer

Melanie Pray

Wayne Carini

Larry Printz

Paul Sable

Ken Gross

Richard Lincoln

Forrest Bennett

Dane Medici

T. G. Mittler

Robert Platz 

Matthew Ivanhoe 

Bill Warner

Peter Gleeson

Peter Singhof

Bobby Rahal


Concours d’Lemons is Joining the Amelia Island Kickoff!


Celebrating the oddball, mundane & truly awful of the entire automotive world, the Concours d’Lemons is filled with great car enthusiasts enjoying bad cars. Have a rusty Volkswagen? Amphibious Lawn Mower? A Terrible Tercel? A Janky Jeep? Then sign up now. Registration is just $20.

register your car for the Concours d’Lemons.

As part of the Classic Motorsports Amelia Island Kickoff, the Concours d’Lemons is free for spectators.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is this sticker for?

A: An entry sticker is required to enter the show. Please stick it on the lower driver’s corner of your windshield.


A: If you have any issues with any part of your registration, payment, entry sticker, etc., please visit will-call. Our friendly staff would be happy to help in-person.


A: Sorry, but we do not have room for your car unless you’ve been confirmed for the show. You’re welcome to attend as a spectator, but your car will not be allowed in.

Q: What if my car cannot make it?

A: If your car won’t make it to the show, please email us at so we can fill your spot with a car from the waitlist.

Q: Can I Just show up with my car?

A: Sorry, but due to limited available space, pre-registration is required to show your car in the Amelia Island Kickoff. Anyone that hasn’t registered in advance online and received an entry sticker either in the mail or will call will be turned away. If you are part of a club that is participating in the show, you still need to register your car online to receive an entry sticker. Spectators can always enter the Amelia Island Kickoff for free without registration.

Q: Why is my car waitlisted if registration is still open?

A: The selection committee is attempting to curate an exceptional show with a wide range of cars in each class. Registration for the Amelia Island Kickoff will remain open until the day before the event begins, as some classes still have room for new entries. If your car is placed on the waitlist, it means that the committee hasn’t yet found a space in your car’s class for you. You’ll be notified ASAP in the event of cancellations, and will automatically receive a refund if you’re still waitlisted at the show’s start.

Q: How much does it cost to attend?

A: Show vehicle entry fee is $45. Spectators always enter the Amelia Island Kickoff for free.

Q: How can I see the Show?

A: Just show up! You’ll find ample spectator parking around the park, and from there you’re welcome to walk right into the show. The Amelia Island Kickoff does not offer any official spectator parking area.

Q: What if it rains?

A: If it rains, we’re still going to have a fantastic show! Bring an umbrella and have fun.

Q: How Do I Register and Participate?

A: Registration and event requirements can be found on MotorsportReg here.

Q: What cars are welcome?

A: All entries must be accepted by our selection committee. To submit your vehicle for acceptance, register for the event. All new registrations will automatically be waitlisted until evaluated and approved or rejected by the committee in the spring. Any vehicles not accepted will receive a full refund once the show begins. Upload a photo and details of your car during registration to improve your chances of being selected. 

Does this mean we won't accept common cars? Not at all--we've actually implemented this process to increase the diversity of the cars at our show, as we want want to showcase the broadest range of vehicles possible.

What cars are we looking for? We're looking for classic sports and luxury cars, muscle cars, newer exotics, classic 4x4s, and similar vehicles. 

Q: How do I know if my registration was approved by the selection committee?

A: You can view the current list of registrants and check your status here.

  • If your status is "Confirmed": Congratulations! Your vehicle has been reviewed and officially accepted into the show!

  • If your status is "New": Your vehicle has not been reviewed by the selection committee yet. 

  • If your status is "Waitlist New": Your vehicle has not been reviewed by the selection committee yet. The show was already at capacity when you registered, but spots do open up when entries are Waitlist Confirmed or in the event of cancellations. If your vehicle is still waitlisted on the day of the show, you'll automatically receive a full refund.

  • If your status is "Waitlist Confirmed": Your vehicle has been reviewed by the selection committee, but they have not found a spot for your car in the show. Many Waitlist Confirmed entries are eventually moved to the status Confirmed due to cancellations or if additional space is allocated for their class. If your vehicle is still waitlisted on the day of the show, you'll automatically receive a full refund.

Q: What Do i do If I lose my entry pass?

A: Unique entry passes will be mailed to each participant in advance. If you lose yours, please visit will-call to complete the verification process and have a new entry pass issued.


A: We have a simple map and a good address to plug into your GPS available here on our Map/Directions page.

Q: What’s the show schedule?

A: You can click here to view the Amelia Island Kickoff schedule.

Q: What prizes can I win? Is this event judged like a concours?

A: This event is more like a Cars & Coffee event, and is not judged like a formal concours. However, some of the classic car world's top names will be awarding special prizes to their favorite attendees. See last year's categories and prizes here. You must be present at the event to receive your prize.

Q: When will I be moved off of the waitlist?

A: If registration is full, you’ll automatically be placed on the waitlist. As we receive cancellations, we’ll move attendees from the waitlist to the confirmed entry list. You’ll receive an email from MotorsportReg with instructions to complete your payment if you’re moved off of the waitlist. We do reserve the right to give priority to interesting cars and returning attendees.